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Room Perfume

Room Perfume

Botanic Room Perfume - 100ml

Based on the scent of Hakudo that offers a contemporary purifying ritual through a quiet moment to unwind in everyday life, Hakudo rain extends the concept of ‘listening to scent with an atmosphere of a spirited Japanese island after rainfall...
*Botanical room perfume with lovely packaging, traditional rice (Kome) paper bag

The Botanical essences of HAKUDO RAIN enhance your senses and will let you experience the sensation the air being charged with a spirit of rain, while the color of the air will brighten and vivify in space. 
/ Hakudo 
Based on a philosophy derived from Kohdo, The Japanese ceremony of appreciating a subtle & exquisite fragrance.  Hakudo source the finest raw materials selected for both their unique scent profile &  purifying qualities of each plant. Combining the essence & absolutes that are extracted from woods, roots, leaves, mosses, herbs and citrus. Hakudo presents fascinating qualities of the white cray through the scent that are rejuvenating, vitalizing and purifying to the mind and spirit. "listening' to scent allows your senses to be infused & experience it with one's entire being. It invites you to take a deep breath, to prepare yourself for the day and to feel a sense of tranquillity in the evening. 

Regular price $120.00 NZD
Regular price Sale price $120.00 NZD
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