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Kintsugi repair items - Epoxy glue, Putty & Other tools

Kintsugi repair items - Epoxy glue, Putty & Other tools

Tools for Kintsugi 

*some tools are extra tools, these are for people who wants to try slightly advanced techniques. 


Epoxy Super glue,  6g

Epoxy Putty

Tube for metal powder,  #250 or #300 

Tonoko or Jinoko - grindstone fine powder for making natural putty with lacquer 

Polishing tools - Large and medium (sharp tip)

Polishing tool - Snapper teeth

Polishing tool - Crystal sanding block - #3000

Cotton bud (fine) for gold leaf 

Spatular - Large  


*Full set is also available from our site, so please browse for Kintsugi set under 'category', 'craft' section.


I can send some more specific descriptions about these materials via email.

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Regular price $10.00 NZD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 NZD
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